Carnegie Dental

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About Us

We're a team of dedicated professionals who are kind, friendly and caring. We're here to ensure you have a pleasant experience when you visit our office. Our team includes skillful and enthusiastic people whose goal is to communicate well with our patients and provide the best care possible.

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    1312 Blanshard Street
    Suite 400
  • City

  • State / Province

    British Columbia
  • Zip / Postal Code

    V8W 2J1

Profiles nearby Carnegie Dental

Streets nearby Carnegie Dental

Broad Street British Columbia
Cormorant Street British Columbia
Caledonia Street British Columbia
View Street British Columbia
Meares Street British Columbia
Mason Street British Columbia
Balmoral Road British Columbia
Amelia Street British Columbia
Bastion Square British Columbia
Trounce Alley British Columbia