Data-Core Sysems

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About Us

Data-Core Systems offers state-of-the-art information technology services and solutions across the US and worldwide. Paired with Business Process Services, Data-Core handles both on-site and off-site projects for enterprises, government entities, and startups. Our services include:

1. Data Analytics
2. Blockchain
3. Software Testing
4. API Integration
5. UI/UX Design
6. Media Monitoring
7. Mobile application service
8. Application Development and Maintenance
9. Cloud-based services
10. Busin

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United States
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Postal Address

  • Address

    1500 John F Kennedy Blvd, Ste 624, 19102 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Streets nearby Data-Core Sysems

Appletree Street Pennsylvania
South 15th Street Pennsylvania
Ranstead Street Pennsylvania
North 16th Street Pennsylvania
South Penn Square Pennsylvania
North Broad Street Pennsylvania
Arch Street Pennsylvania
John F Kennedy Blvd Pennsylvania
John F. Kennedy Boulevard Pennsylvania
South Penn Square Pennsylvania