Ferrante & Koenig, PLLC

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About Us

Ferrante & Koenig are injury attorneys in Brooklyn who will guide you to better days after an accident. We've helped hundreds of people pick up the pieces after an accident and move forward with their lives. Given that you're researching personal injury attorneys, we assume that you or a loved one has been injured. A consultation with us to discuss the details of your case is absolutely free of charge. We invite you to give us a call if you've been injured.

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    425 Saratoga Ave
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Streets nearby Ferrante & Koenig, PLLC

Midwood Street New York
Tapscott Avenue New York
Rutland Road New York
East 93rd Street New York
Green Street New York
East New York Avenue New York
Winthrop Street New York
Ford Street New York
Lefferts Ave New York
Troy Ave New York