Bistro 1600

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Entrance and parking are located at the rear of the building. Summer hours are Thursday and Friday 11:30am - 2:00pm for lunch and Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 5:00pm - 9:00pm for dinner. Their menu indicates regular hours include being open for lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday as well.

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    1600 East Avenue
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Near to: Opposite Colby Street, between Culver and Winton
Cuisine: American, Steaks, Italian
Menu: Bistro 1600 Menu

Profiles nearby Bistro 1600

Streets nearby Bistro 1600

Colby Street New York
University Avenue New York
Blossom Road New York
Carlson Road New York
Farrington Place New York
Homer Street New York
Nursery Street New York
Probert Street New York
Girard Street New York
Blossom Road New York
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