Boston Pizza

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Family restaurant by day, bar atmosphere by night. Open late night for late night munchies.

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  • Street Address

    152nd St.
  • City

    White Rock
  • State / Province


Near to: 20th Ave.
Cuisine: Family, American, Pizza
Recommended Dishes: your guess is as good as mine
Reservations: accepted
Alcohol: full bar
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: casual

Profiles nearby Boston Pizza

Streets nearby Boston Pizza

152 Frontage Road British Columbia
Kettle Crescent North British Columbia
Kildare Court British Columbia
Killarney Drive British Columbia
Killarney Court British Columbia
Kildare Drive British Columbia
Killarney Close British Columbia
Kildare Place British Columbia
Killarney Place British Columbia
Kildare Close British Columbia
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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