Burger Betty's

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This is an Austalian themed restaurant with a fun and lively atmosphere and great burgers. They have a full bar and entertainment throughout the week. The Karaoke on Tuesdays and Saturdays are fun and relaxed as anyone can join in the fun. They also have Showtune Sundays every Sunday where you can sing along to your favorite Movie clips. The Staff is very friendly and you feel welcome from the moment you walk in. The speciality of the house is their Burgers but they also have plenty of other items to choose

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    5111 N 7th St
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Near to: Camelback
Cuisine: American, Australian
Recommended Dishes: Turkey Lurkey and burgers.
Menu: Burger Betty's Menu
Reservations: large groups only
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Streets nearby Burger Betty's

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East Fern Drive North Arizona
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East Pasadena Avenue Arizona
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Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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