Chalet Restaurant

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This restaurant has two sections. One section is used for breakfast and lunch while the other section is reserved for dinners. It is located in downtown Kitimat across from the shopping mall and beside the Centennial Park. nnBreakfast and lunches offer basic food at a reasonable price. The dinner menu includes German/Austria/Hungarian dishes, a number of seafood dishes and basic American fare.

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  • Street Address

    852 Tsimshian Blvd.
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    V8C 1T5

Cuisine: American, Austrian, Seafood
Reservations: accepted
Alcohol: full bar
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: dressy casual
Capacity: 70

Profiles nearby Chalet Restaurant

O Chalet Motel 0 km
O Saan Stores Ltd 0.13 km
O Bc Social Svc 0.15 km
O C. I. B. C. 0.22 km
O Cibc 0.22 km

Streets nearby Chalet Restaurant

Kitlope Street British Columbia
Kootenay Street British Columbia
Nalabila Boulevard British Columbia
Wakashan Avenue British Columbia
Mountainview Square British Columbia
Albatross Avenue British Columbia
Brant Street British Columbia
North Lahakas Boulevard British Columbia
Tsimshian Boulevard British Columbia
Bittern Street British Columbia
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