Cositas Ricas

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Restaurant and bakery serves large platters of grilled and roasted meats. Seafood and stuffed arepas complete the menu along with special sandwiches and side dishes. For refreshment there are ice creams, juices, and fountain drinks to choose from.

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    79-19 Roosevelt Avenue
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Near to: 80th Street
Cuisine: Latin American, Dessert / Ice Cream, Bakery
Recommended Dishes: Churrasco con salsa de camaron
Reservations: not accepted
Alcohol: wine / beer
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: ca

Profiles nearby Cositas Ricas

Streets nearby Cositas Ricas

76th Street New York
Baxter Avenue New York
Pettit Avenue New York
75th Street New York
Ketcham Street New York
37th Road New York
78th St New York
37th Avenue New York
Roosevelt Avenue New York
77th Street New York
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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