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Squeezed between high-rise apartments and gentrified colonial villas in the Wellington inner-city suburb of Thorndon - a rash of government departments and a six lane artery of state highway just a whisker away - is the neat white cottage that is Francois'.nnFrancois (owner and Maitre D') and Didier (Head-Chef) have brought from France their passion about the food industry, without the "big arrogant french thing". They like to combine the french technique with the goodness of the New-Zea

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    10a Murphy Street
  • City


Cuisine: French
Menu: Francois Menu
Smoking: not permitted

Profiles nearby Francois

O Francois 0 km
O Verutum Rx 0.27 km
O Tharlax Rx 0.27 km

Streets nearby Francois

Murphy Street Wellington Region
Pipitea Street Wellington Region
Brook Street Wellington Region
Little Pipitea Street Wellington Region
Halswell Street Wellington Region
Hobson Crescent Wellington Region
May Street Wellington Region
Moturoa Street Wellington Region
Guthrie Street Wellington Region
Turnbull Street Wellington Region
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