Kababeque Indian Grill

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Kebabeque is a small fast-food restaurant serving broiled meat or paneer cheese either atop lettuce or wrapped with lettuce and onions in a piece of flatbread. A few stewed dishes are also served, over rice, and samosas are offered.nnAvailable drinks are sweet or salty lassi (either plain, mango, or strawberry, soda pop, and a limited selection of Indian beers and common vodkas and tequilas.nnSeating is limited; there are three indoor tables that can accommodate four people apiece, two two-person spots al

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    845 University Boulevard
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Near to: Euclid
Cuisine: Indian / Pakistani
Alcohol: wine / beer
Capacity: 32

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Social Sciences Arizona
Olive Road Arizona
North Jacobus Avenue Arizona
East 4th Street Arizona
North Euclid Avenue Arizona
East University Boulevard Arizona
4th Street Arizona
South Campus Drive Arizona
East North Campus Drive Arizona
East 5th Street Arizona
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