Kam Do Restaurant and Bakery

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    1140 - 8391 Alexandra Rd.
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    V6X 3W5

Cuisine: Chinese, Bakery
Recommended Dishes: Kam Do has the best HK baked pork chops on rice - even better than in HK! sirloin steak, 'wife' pastries (lo poh behn)
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: casual

Profiles nearby Kam Do Restaurant and Bakery

Streets nearby Kam Do Restaurant and Bakery

Hazelbridge Way British Columbia
Alexandra Gate British Columbia
Leslie Road British Columbia
Sorenson Crescent British Columbia
Brownell Road British Columbia
Alexandra Road British Columbia
Norhey Road British Columbia
Kwantlen Street British Columbia
Lions Park access British Columbia
Odlin Place British Columbia
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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