North Star Restaurant and Little Dipper Bakery

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  • Street Address

    288 Connecticut St.
  • City

    San Francisco
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Near to: at 18th Street

Profiles nearby North Star Restaurant and Little Dipper Bakery

O Goat Hill Pizza 0.03 km
O Aperto 0.04 km
O Lilo Lounge 0.04 km
O Thanya and Salee 0.04 km
O Eliza's 0.06 km
O Gumbeaux's Cafe 0.07 km
O Daily Scoop 0.09 km

Streets nearby North Star Restaurant and Little Dipper Bakery

Mariposa Street California
Arkansas Street California
17th Street California
18th Street California
20th Street California
Mariposa Street California
Owens Street California
16th Street California
Southern Embarcadero Freeway California
John F Foran Freeway California
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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