O'Reilly's Townhouse Restaurant and Tavern

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35 years of spoken word, theatre, poetry & slam, hip hop, music & film on the Lower East Side, NYC.

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  • Street Address

    21 West 35th Street
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    New York
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Near to: Sixth Avenue
Cuisine: Irish, Bar / Pub / Brewery
Recommended Dishes: Dublin broil, dublin fish and chips, chicken Marsala, apple crumble. The crumble needed vanilla ice cream which was NOT available. London Broil, Seafood, a

Profiles nearby O'Reilly's Townhouse Restaurant and Tavern

Streets nearby O'Reilly's Townhouse Restaurant and Tavern

West 38th Street New York
West 32nd Street New York
West 37th Street New York
West 33rd Street New York
Park Avenue New York
East 43rd Street New York
Broadway New York
6th Avenue New York
5th Avenue New York
7th Avenue New York
Content provider: Chefmoz - This content may have been modified from the source.
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