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A branch of Pavarotti Italian Restaurants chain in Egypt with the capacity of 60 Person, Italian food and pizza, home atmosphere, home made pasta and a wide range of meat and fish .

International Time & Dialing Code For Egypt

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10:44 PM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    12 Dr. El-Mahrouky st.
  • City


Near to: from El-Batal Ahmed Abd El-Aziz
Cuisine: Italian

Profiles nearby Pavarotti

O La Galette 0 km
O McDonald's 0 km
O McDonald's 0 km
O Marine 0 km
O Pavarotti 0 km
O Dragon Park 0.14 km
O Swiza 0.23 km
O Mo'Men 0.45 km
O Classique 0.64 km

Streets nearby Pavarotti

Abdel-Hamid Al-Abbady Iskanderiya
Al-Farid Layan Iskanderiya
No. 10 Iskanderiya
Gaber Abdel-Mooty Al-Ghazali Iskanderiya
شارع المعسكر الروماني Iskanderiya
Stanley Bridge Iskanderiya
شارع سوريا Iskanderiya
Dumiat Iskanderiya
Ahmed Yousef Iskanderiya
Ruchdi Iskanderiya
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