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"Pintxos" means "appetizers" in Basque, and Pintxos has a lot of appetizers on its menu, as well as a number of other authentic Basque (Basque cauntry) dishes. Informal yet feels nothing like New York and everything like the Pyrenees. Small, with a few unassuming tables, and sky blue walls--the blue of a deep, clear late afternoon sky in the mountains.

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    510 Greenwich St
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    New York
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Cuisine: Basque, Tapas
Recommended Dishes: Boquerons, Croquetas de Cod
Dress: casual

Profiles nearby Pintxos

O Pintxos 0 km
O Ear Inn 0.02 km
O J Train 0.05 km
O Bell Cafe 0.06 km
O The Emerald Pub 0.07 km

Streets nearby Pintxos

Desbrosses Street New Jersey
Spring Street New Jersey
Vandam Street New Jersey
Renwick Street New Jersey
West Street New Jersey
Washington Street New Jersey
Canal Street New Jersey
Watts Street New Jersey
Dominick Street New Jersey
Spring Street New Jersey
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