Port of Call

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About Us

Port of Call is a restaurant and cocktail bar at the edge of the French Quarter, with late hours. Since its opening in 1963, the restaurant is come to be known for its burgers and for the large crowds of locals and tourists often filling it up. The interior decor is faded Polynesian, to match the island-themed drink specials reminiscent of Trader Vic's. Expect lines at peak dining hours, and even well into the night.

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United States
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    838 Esplanade Ave.
  • City

    New Orleans
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code


Cuisine: American, Burgers, Steaks
Recommended Dishes: Hamburgers or steak A burger
Menu: Port of Call Menu
Reservations: accepted
Alcohol: full bar

Profiles nearby Port of Call

O Port of Call 0 km
O Bennachin 0.26 km
O Mona Lisa 0.26 km
O Café Marigny 0.26 km
O La Péniche 0.27 km
O Royal Carriages 0.31 km
O Croissant d'Or 0.38 km

Streets nearby Port of Call

Pauger Street Louisiana
Mc Shane Place Louisiana
Kerlerec Street Louisiana
Ursulines Avenue Louisiana
Barracks Street Louisiana
Henriette DeLille Louisiana
Dauphine Street Louisiana
Gov Nicholls Street Louisiana
Esplanade Avenue Louisiana
Henriette DeLille Louisiana
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