Pounders Restaurant

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Pescatores Seafood and Grill, located on Victoria Inner Harbour aims to serve the freshest fish and meats perfectly prepared. Always voted amongst Victoria's best seafood.

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    535 Yates St
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    V8W 2Z6

Cuisine: Dessert / Ice Cream, Organic / Healthy, Mongolian
Recommended Dishes: Everything... ask for the special sauce at the chef's counter.... wink wink... ;) Number 5 supersized
Reservations: large groups only

Profiles nearby Pounders Restaurant

Streets nearby Pounders Restaurant

Johnson Street British Columbia
Pandora Avenue British Columbia
Store Street British Columbia
Langley Street British Columbia
Bastion Square British Columbia
Commercial Alley British Columbia
Fan Tan Alley British Columbia
Helmcken Alley British Columbia
Trounce Alley British Columbia
Waddington Alley British Columbia
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