Red Bar

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About Us

Located on the 27th floor of Tower (Bashnya) 2000 - one of the first Moskva-City business center buildings at the end of the pedestrian bridge.nnThe best way to get into the bar is to take metro to Mezhdunarodnaya station and walk across the Bagrationovsky bridge filled with boutiques. The bar has a separate entrance, so you would have to exit the building and immediately enter it again through a door on the left with a large red square sign. A dedicated elevator will take to to the 27th floor. Bar features

International Dialing Code For Russia

Dialing code

Call & Message

  • Telephone

    (495)730 0808

Address MAP

  • Street Address

    23a Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko
  • City


Cuisine: Bar / Pub / Brewery

Profiles nearby Red Bar

O Red Bar 0 km
O Tabula Rasa 1.7 km
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