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About Us

Sergios Pizza is located on St. John's street in Port Moody. We are a family-owned and operated company that takes pride in its service and quality. We want to ensure that every pizza served is handmade exactly to our specification so we can deliver on our promise of quality. Our dough is made fresh daily, using old time tested and true recipes. The staffs goal is to always exceed our customers expectations. We look forward to carrying on a tradition of serving you, along with your family and friends

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    2929 St. Johns St
  • City

    Port Moody
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    V3H 2C2

Cuisine: Pizza, Italian
Recommended Dishes: Veggie Pizza, by the slice pizza

Profiles nearby Sergios

Streets nearby Sergios

Moody Street British Columbia
Terravista Place British Columbia
Electronic Avenue British Columbia
Hugh Street British Columbia
Williams Street British Columbia
Buller Street British Columbia
Ivy Street British Columbia
Port Moody Station British Columbia
Shoreline Bicycle Path British Columbia
Jane Street British Columbia
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