Shade on The Canal

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A restaurant with a long history, also known as Shade's restaurant. Once closed and reopened, the restaurant is located in the historic old village just south of the center of town. The building has undergone extensive renovation inside and out with new siding, color, windows, doors and awnings. Just about everything is new except for the refinished wood floor from the original restaurant. The atmosphere is country casual with many local and historical photos on the walls along with some sports memor

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    19 S. High St
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    Canal Winchester
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Cuisine: American
Recommended Dishes: sweet pickles sweet bar-b-que boneless chicken wings smoked brisket or pork Alaskan fish sandwich chicken chunks, wings, Texas burger, bayou burger, Timmy's turkey, brisket, chicken quesadilla c

Profiles nearby Shade on The Canal

Streets nearby Shade on The Canal

Lafayette Street Ohio
Lynn Street Ohio
Elm Street Ohio
Marconi Boulevard Ohio
Riverside Plz Ohio
Hickory Street Ohio
Discovery Bridge Ohio
Town Street North Sidewalk Ohio
Rich Street Bridge Ohio
Town Street South Sidewalk Ohio
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