Sirius Pizza

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About Us

We are a family owned Pizzeria, operating in the West Park, Cleveland, Oh. We have a wide range of specialty pizza available, and a unique sandwich called the grinder. I try to focus a lot on our specialty pizzas, they just aren't meat pizza, or your typical hawaiian. You can choose to pick-up your food or have it delivered for lunch or dinner. We also deliver to 5 hotels in the area. Tell us you find Sirius Pizza on Chef Moz Dinning Guide, and receive $5 off! (purchase of 20 or more)

International Dialing Code For United States

United States
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    15115 Puritas Ave
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code


Near to: W. 150th & Puritas Ave.
Cuisine: Pizza
Menu: Sirius Pizza Menu
Reservations: accepted
Alcohol: no alcohol served
Smoking: not permitted

Profiles nearby Sirius Pizza

O Sirius Pizza 0 km
O China Chef 0.15 km
O Burger King 0.18 km
O Mr Hero 0.33 km
O Uppercrust Pizza 0.36 km
O Denny's 0.37 km
O Puritas Pizza 0.46 km

Streets nearby Sirius Pizza

Rochelle Ave Ohio
Aldene Ave Ohio
West 154th Street Ohio
W 147th St Ohio
Violet Ave Ohio
Margate Avenue Ohio
W 148th St Ohio
W 153rd St Ohio
W 150th St Ohio
West 155th St Ohio
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