Swan Cafe

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Clear labels on the sandwiches, myriad salad choices, soups, breads, pastries and special offerings like lasagna or enchiladas ensure vegetarians won’t encounter meat where they don’t want it and vegans won’t accidentally ingest a dairy-rich meal.n Meat and fish items are also available.

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    1220 N. Forest
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Cuisine: Cafe / Coffee Shop, Vegetarian, Deli / Sandwiches

Profiles nearby Swan Cafe

O Swan Cafe 0 km
O Tokyo House 0.1 km
O Rudy's Pizzeria 0.14 km
O New China Cafe 0.21 km
O The Pita Pit 0.22 km
O Shahrazad 0.22 km

Streets nearby Swan Cafe

West Magnolia Street Washington
East Champion Street Washington
Commercial Street Washington
Railroad Avenue Washington
York Street Washington
East Magnolia Street Washington
East Chestnut Street Washington
Franklin Street Washington
Jersey Street Washington
East Holly Street Washington
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