Taj II Indian Cuisine

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<H2>Taj II Indian Cuisine</H2>Formally known as the Delhi Darbar or just Darbar, it was noted in a list of top dishes by <I>This Week's News</I> for the Kathi kebab which is a chicken breast cooked in an onion sauce with butter, chopped green pepper and wrapped in a bread called chapati. You may have to ask for this special off the regular menu. Follows the tradition of homemade Indian food, done in the Mughlai tradition. The owners also have around thirty restaurants in India.

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    2321 N High St
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Near to: Oakland Ave
Cuisine: Indian / Pakistani
Recommended Dishes: Tandoori Chicken
Menu: Taj II Indian Cuisine Menu
Reservations: accepted

Profiles nearby Taj II Indian Cuisine

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O Alana's 0.03 km
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Streets nearby Taj II Indian Cuisine

Williams Street Ohio
Williams Street Ohio
Oakland Avenue Ohio
Patterson Avenue Ohio
Wilcox Street Ohio
Blake Avenue Ohio
Adams Avenue Ohio
Maynard Avenue Ohio
Pearl Street Ohio
Patterson Avenue Ohio
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