The Red Caboose Cafe

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The restaurant is a casual place with a model train tracknsuspended from the ceiling. Servces a variety of American foods from hamburgers and cold sandwiches, to hot plates and black Angus steak. nnThe cost varies from around $5.00 for a cold sandwich with side dish to $9.50 for a steak, with mashed potatoes, vegetable, bread and a salad. The mashed potatoes are real and the soups are homemade. There are no deli meats served, all turkey and beef plates are made from fresh meats cooked at the restaurant.

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    50 W. Bullard
    Ste 111
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Near to: Minnewawa
Cuisine: Cafe / Coffee Shop, Breakfast / Brunch
Reservations: accepted
Alcohol: no alcohol served
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: casual
Capacity: 115

Profiles nearby The Red Caboose Cafe

Streets nearby The Red Caboose Cafe

North Abby Street California
North Effie Street California
West Morris Avenue California
East Calimyrna Avenue California
North Clark Street California
East Auto Center Drive California
West Roberts Avenue California
East Bullard Avenue California
North Calaveras Street California
East Mesa Avenue California
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