Trattoria Tre Colli

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The <i>Trattoria Tre Colli</i>, established in 1898, is located in the <i>Basso Monferrato</i> 15 km north of Asti. The wooden panelling within contributes to a warm and cosy atmosphere. In the kitchen, three generations of the Gavello family, masters of the <i>cucina povera</i> of the Langhe and Monferrato, work together to recreate traditional Piedmontese dishes from ancient recipes. You can choose between an economical 'three dishes with wine' (<i>tre p

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12:08 AM
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  • Street Address

    Piazza del Mercato
  • City

    Montechiaro d'Asti
  • State / Province

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Cuisine: Italian, Regional
Reservations: required
Smoking: not permitted
Dress: dressy casual
Capacity: 45

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