Voltex Electronics Ltd

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About Us

Victoria Products is a major UK manufacturer and distributor of cable ties and cable tie mountings and self adhesive and screw fix components. Quality and on time delivery is always our top priority.

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United Kingdom
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1:52 AM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    Octagon House
    Bradford Road, Sandbeds
    West Yorkshire
  • City

  • State / Province

    Yorkshire & The Humber
  • Zip / Postal Code

    BD20 5LY

Streets nearby Voltex Electronics Ltd

Sunny Mount Priestthorpe
A650 Priestthorpe
Mayfield Drive Priestthorpe
Mayville Avenue Priestthorpe
Swine Lane Priestthorpe
Mount Pleasant Priestthorpe
Heaton Avenue Priestthorpe
Bowood Drive Priestthorpe
Airedale Mount Priestthorpe
Airedale Drive Priestthorpe