Appliance Repair Port Coquitlam

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About Us

Appliance Repair Port Coquitlam offers the most affordable and efficient home appliance service in town. Our team includes hardworking technicians that specialize in all types of repair. We aim to give you a friendly, professional and hassle-free service, be it a freezer repair or washer & dryer service.

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    3242 Westwood St
  • City

    Port Coquitlam
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    V3C 3L8

Postal Address

  • City

    Port Coquitlam
  • Zip / Postal Code

    V3C 3L8

Profiles nearby Appliance Repair Port Coquitlam

Streets nearby Appliance Repair Port Coquitlam

Lancaster Street British Columbia
Raleigh Street British Columbia
Gordon Avenue British Columbia
Davies Avenue British Columbia
Lancaster Place British Columbia
Hosmer Court British Columbia
Fox Street British Columbia
Shaftsbury Avenue British Columbia
Redwood Avenue British Columbia
Gordon Avenue British Columbia