Attorney Mike Wallace

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We get it. Filing for bankruptcy can seem overwhelming – even discouraging. But you can (actually) say goodbye to relentless bill collectors, stacks of unpaid bills, maxed out credit cards, and a plummeting credit score.

In fact, my wife and I have helped scores of East Texans like you get back on their feet.

There really is life after bankruptcy. So, get the peace and rest you've been missing.

Schedule a free consultation with Mike Wallace.

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    6793 Old Jacksonville Hwy, #103
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Profiles nearby Attorney Mike Wallace

Streets nearby Attorney Mike Wallace

Salisbury Lane Texas
Kennebunk Lane Texas
Ashmore Lane Texas
Salisbury Drive Texas
Hollywest Drive Texas
Firestone Circle Texas
Firestone Cir Cr162 Texas
Sawgrass Texas
Bradbury Court Texas
Glouchester Court Texas