Avalanche Adventure Ltd

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About Us

Avalanche adventure is located in Leicestershire and it is spread across an area of 400 acres. It is easily accessible and located in the centre of England. They have a lot of experience of conducting such activities and are open all the year round.
Avalanche adventure offers many adventure activities such as quad biking, archery, dtv shredder, land rover off-roading, hovercraft, paintball, opposite steer buggy etc.

International Time & Dialing Code For United Kingdom

United Kingdom
Local Time
7:59 AM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    Welford Road, Sibbertoft, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 9UJ
  • City

    Market Harborough
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    LE16 9UJ

Profiles nearby Avalanche Adventure Ltd

Streets nearby Avalanche Adventure Ltd

Church Street Sibbertoft England
Beeches Close Sibbertoft England
Berkeley Street Sibbertoft England
Westhorpe Sibbertoft England
Sulby Hall Old Drive Welford England
Naseby Road Sibbertoft England
Welford Road Sibbertoft England
Welland Rise Sibbertoft England
Sibbertoft England