Bargain Blinds

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About Us

Bargain Blinds create exclusive, made to measure blinds with a wide range to choose from. All of our blinds are fitted to the highest standard. We provide beautiful window fashion using top quality fabric and material at the most competitive prices. We have been supplying our top-quality blinds to private homes, schools and commercial premises. At Bargain Blinds we understand how important it is to choose the right covers for your windows that create a unique atmosphere and character. We welcome all custo

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2:23 PM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    118 Baldoyle Industrial Estate
    Baldoyle Industrial Estate
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    D13 T6Y6

Profiles nearby Bargain Blinds

O Nando's Tallaght 0.87 km
O Paddy Power 1.16 km
O Paddy Power 227.45 km

Streets nearby Bargain Blinds

Grange Rise Dublin
Grange Park Dublin
Seagrange Road Dublin
Grange Avenue Dublin
Grange Close Dublin
Grange Drive Dublin
Abbey Park Dublin
Marian Park Dublin
Stapolin Lawns Dublin
Myrthe Court Dublin