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When people talk about engagement rings, they only pay more attention to diamonds – its cut, carat, clarity and colour. However, an important aspect, its setting, is often given a miss.
Take note that setting of a diamond engagement ring is as important as its other aspects.

It dictates the style of your ring and has the power to transform the overall look and appearance of a ring. With the right type of setting you can transform the look of a traditional ring into something modern and extravagant. If

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    3 Defries Avenue,
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South Dowling Street New South Wales
Winkurra Street New South Wales
Eastern Distributor New South Wales
South Dowling Street New South Wales
Victoria Park Parade New South Wales
Defries Avenue New South Wales
George Julius Avenue New South Wales
Ascot Avenue New South Wales
Hutchinson Walk New South Wales
Levy Walk New South Wales