Cleanpoint Restoration Limited

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About Us

Cleanpoint Restoration was established in 1983 and have over 30 years experience in the Building Restoration industry.

We are known for providing the highest quality and professional services for commercial and domestic properties, LARGE or small.

We have completed 1000's of brick and stone projects for large commercial an domestic clients that have used the following service: Paint Stripping from Brick and Stone, Pointing and repointing brickwork and stone, Brick cleaning and stone cleaning.

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12:52 PM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    383 Bury and Rochdale Old Road
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    OL10 4AT

Profiles nearby Cleanpoint Restoration Limited

Streets nearby Cleanpoint Restoration Limited

Rough Hill Lane Jericho Heap Bridge
Broadoaks Jericho Heap Bridge
Rectory Lane Jericho Heap Bridge
Rochdale Old Road Jericho Heap Bridge
Fairfield Drive Jericho Heap Bridge
Jericho Heap Bridge England
Lea Mount Drive Jericho Heap Bridge
Foxglove Drive Jericho Heap Bridge
Foster Court Jericho Heap Bridge
Primrose Drive Jericho Heap Bridge