CoxGomyl Group

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About Us

The CoxGomyl Group are a global engineering business with a passion for defending the beauty and value of architectural wonders by providing external building access solutions. Typically this equipment is used to provide a permanent means of being able to access the outside facade of tall buildings for maintenance purposes, which includes cleaning and replacing panels and windows. CoxGomyl have grown to become the global leaders in building maintenance units, commonly referred to as BMU’s.

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  • Street Address

    182 Normanby Road
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Profiles nearby CoxGomyl Group

O Laptop Kings 0.2 km
O Hamilton 0.21 km
O API Locksmiths 0.27 km
O DeArch 0.27 km
O Diplomat Safes 0.27 km

Streets nearby CoxGomyl Group

Montague Street Offramp Victoria
Montague Street Victoria
Sandridge Rail Trail Victoria
Gladstone Street Victoria
Ford Street Victoria
CityLink Onramp Victoria
Ceremonial Road Victoria
Wright Walk Victoria
Kerr Street Victoria
Gladstone Place Victoria