Credit Assistance, LLC

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About Us

Credit Assistance, LLC uses aggressive strategies and conventional dispute methods to ensure maximum results in restoring your credit. Our process is based on knowledge of consumer laws and experience with the credit bureaus. We take advantage of your rights as established by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). We look forward to improving your credit rating as quickly as possible. We will work to restoring your credit shoulder to shoulder with you. We work in a 4 Step process that is extremely geared at

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United States
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    250 Fulton Ave. Suite 1MC
  • City

    New York
  • State / Province

    New York
  • Zip / Postal Code


Streets nearby Credit Assistance, LLC

Liberty Street Hempstead New York
Centre Street Hempstead New York
Cooper Square East Hempstead New York
Cooper Square South Hempstead New York
Cooper Square West Hempstead New York
Station Plaza Hempstead New York
Nichols Court Hempstead New York
Orchard Street Hempstead New York
Liberty Court Hempstead New York
High Street Hempstead New York