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About Us

Our rug cleaning team in Enfield consists of experienced fibre experts, that know all the secrets of deep cleaning carpets. As we make sure they all undergo regular training in the latest cleaning techniques, you can rest assured your soft textile floor covering is in safe hands. Our rug cleaners in Enfield will carefully insect the fabric of your carpet and will choose the method that will deliver best results, while being gentle to the fabric itself. Our employees are all housekeeping experts who know the

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    69 Canonbury Rd
  • City

  • State / Province

    Greater London
  • Zip / Postal Code

    EN1 3LP

Profiles nearby Detailed Service

O Adders 0.38 km
O Keybuild 0.38 km
O John O'Sullivan 0.38 km
O N J Saunders 0.38 km
O Brian Kelly 0.38 km

Streets nearby Detailed Service

Priors Mead Ponders End Enfield
Buckingham Close Ponders End Enfield
Tenniswood Road Winchmore Hill Enfield
Baker Street Ponders End Enfield
Eastbury Ave Ponders End Enfield
Canonbury Road Ponders End Enfield
Radnor Gardens Ponders End Enfield
Kenilworth Crescent Ponders End Enfield
Rochester Close Ponders End Enfield
Tenniswood Road Ponders End Enfield