Dianna Leigh MediSpa

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About Us

Advanced skin care and beauty treatments. Utilising the lastest advances in Medical Laser Technology we offer over 40 specialised treatments including,pain free permanent hair removal, skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, tattoo removal, toe nail fungus removal, Hyper Pigmentation, Birth Marks, Rosacea, Sagging Skin, Spider Veins.

In addition we are a leading demavidual clinic, offering a comprehensive range of cosmeceuticals.

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    285 Doncaster Rd
  • City

    Balwyn North
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Profiles nearby Dianna Leigh MediSpa

Streets nearby Dianna Leigh MediSpa

Walnut Street Victoria
Sylvander Street Victoria
Ardgour Street Victoria
Dumblane Street Victoria
Ellendale Street Victoria
Centre Way Victoria
Lynne Court Victoria
Ferdinand Avenue Victoria
Harrington Avenue Victoria
Agnes Avenue Victoria