Dr. Pari Shams

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Pari Shams graduated with distinction in Medicine, Surgery, clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London in 1999. She also graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree with first class honours in the field of Anatomy and Basic Medical Sciences and was awarded the Roger-Warwick Prize for achievement in her BSc. She received several other awards and prizes during her time as a medical student.

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  • Street Address

    25 Queen Anne Street
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  • Zip / Postal Code

    W1G 9HT

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  • Zip / Postal Code

    W1G 9HT

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Streets nearby Dr. Pari Shams

Wigmore Place Marylebone
Welbeck Way Marylebone
Harley Place Marylebone
Mansfield Mews Marylebone
Wimpole Street Marylebone
Mansfield Street Marylebone
Dean's Mews Marylebone
Marylebone Mews Marylebone
Queen Anne Street Marylebone
Queen Anne Mews Marylebone