Eric Kornblum, Attorney at Law

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Discharge all or most of your debts. Once discharged, your obligation to pay is eliminated forever. You can get a true fresh start. Stop foreclosure on your home. Get control over the amounts you owe (arrears) and schedule a repayment plan. Stop repossession of a car or other property, unfreeze bank accounts and even force creditors to return property which has been seized.

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  • Street Address

    94 North Elm Street
    Suite 402
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Streets nearby Eric Kornblum, Attorney at Law

North Elm Street Westfield Massachusetts
Grant Street Westfield Massachusetts
Union Avenue Westfield Massachusetts
Colfax Street Westfield Massachusetts
Columbia Street Westfield Massachusetts
Old Montgomery Road Westfield Massachusetts
Columbia Place Westfield Massachusetts
Notre Dame Street Westfield Massachusetts
Princeton Street Westfield Massachusetts
Depot Street Westfield Massachusetts