Etone Sports Centre

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About Us

Etone Sports Centre in Nuneaton features a wide range of facilities to help keep you and your family happy, healthy and active. The large sports hall hosts a number of different activities, including five-a-side football, table tennis and badminton, while we also host childrens birthday parties for all the fun without the fuss (or, more importantly, the mess). Outside, weve also got a number of multi-use pitches that can be used for, among other things, football and hockey.

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7:26 PM
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  • Street Address

    Leicester Road
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    CV11 6AD

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Streets nearby Etone Sports Centre

Goddards Slang Knighton Oadby England
Chestnut Avenue Knighton Oadby England
Cartwright Drive Knighton Oadby England
Leicester Road Evington Oadby England
Oadby England
The Moorwoods Evington Oadby England
Milton Gardens Evington Oadby England
London Road Evington Oadby England
New Street Evington Oadby England
Alexandra Court Evington Oadby England