Floor Coverings International

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About Us

Floor Coverings International will design the perfect flooring for your home or business in Richmond, B.C., with a wide range of options including hardwood flooring, carpet, stone, tile, cork, bamboo, green flooring products, and much more. Now you can enjoy the experience of a flooring boutique right in your own home. Get started today with your complimentary in-home consultation!

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    1529 East Kent Avenue N
  • City

  • State / Province

    British Columbia
  • Zip / Postal Code

    V5S 3E7

Profiles nearby Floor Coverings International

Streets nearby Floor Coverings International

Southeast Marine Drive British Columbia
Argyle Street British Columbia
Borden Street British Columbia
Island Avenue British Columbia
Knight Street British Columbia
Mitchell Road Offramp British Columbia
Mitchell Road Onramp British Columbia
Crompton Street British Columbia
East 67th Avenue British Columbia
East 66th Avenue British Columbia