Gig Harbor Law

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About Us

Gig Harbor Law continues to provice legal representation in the areas of real estate, business and construction with a strong emphasis in contracts preparation and litigation. In addition, the Firm continues to offer estate planning and representation in the handling of estates in both Probate and Administration. Finally, the Firm’s creditor/collection practice has continued to grow over the years which practice includes creditor representation in bankruptcy proceedings.

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    5801 Soundview Drive, Suite #50
  • City

    Gig Harbor
  • Zip / Postal Code


Postal Address

  • City

    Gig Harbor

Profiles nearby Gig Harbor Law

O On Q Financial 0.25 km
O Tanglewood Grill 0.41 km
O Nouveau Health 0.48 km
O Beacon Locksmith 0.62 km
O Ocean5 0.62 km

Streets nearby Gig Harbor Law

59th Stct Northwest Washington
Hollycroft Street Washington
61st Street Court Northwest Washington
57th Street Court Northwest Washington
Kelsey Lane Washington
Soundview Drive Washington
58th Street Court Northwest Washington
60th Street Court Northwest Washington
59th Street Court Northwest Washington
28th Avenue Northwest Washington