Hegarty Carpet Cleaning

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About Us

When you contact Hegarty Carpet Cleaning for all of your carpet, upholstery, and tile cleaning needs, you’re doing more than just hiring a company. You are making an investment in the quality of your home’s interior. Keeping carpet and upholstery clean is the key to getting the most from your investment. That’s why we provide top of the line cleaning services to each and every one of our customers, throughout the Arleta, Ca. area.

Our technicians are trained in pet stain and odor removal, and have the e

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    6103 Greenwood Ave
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Postal Address

  • Address

    6103 Greenwood Ave
  • City

  • Zip / Postal Code


Streets nearby Hegarty Carpet Cleaning

Kuhl Drive California
Ramon Court California
Greenwood Avenue California
Nye Avenue California
Zindell Avenue California
Neenah Street California
Gage Avenue California
Paseo Del Rio California
Camino Del Sol California
Calle Las Flores California