Imagefix Ltd

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About Us

Imagefix - A thriving design and marketing agency specialising in online marketing, print and web design in Bedford, Bedfordshire, and the surrounding counties. We are just 30 minutes outside of Central London with offices in Silsoe and Pulloxhill. Working from our 15+ years’ experience in the creative services and marketing industry, we specialise in print and web design and development, SEO, copywriting, logo / brand identity and image retouching to produce truly unique, professional and successful websit

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3:50 PM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    Wrest Park Enterprise, Building 52, Wrest Park
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    MK45 4HR

Profiles nearby Imagefix Ltd

Streets nearby Imagefix Ltd

A6 Silsoe England
High Street Silsoe England
Juniper Close Silsoe England
Silsoe England
Yew Tree Close Silsoe England
Bedford Avenue Silsoe England
The Beeches Silsoe England
Church Road Silsoe England
Poplar Close Silsoe England
The Rowans Silsoe England