LUXE Matchmaking Dating Service

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When you're a single, successful, working professional, finding someone who meets the high standards you've set for yourself can be difficult. With so many dating apps and services, it's hard to know which are effective in building sustainable relationships, leaving you to go on countless dates with people who just aren't right for you. But with Minneapolis, MN-based LUXE Matchmaking, it doesn't have to be that way. Established in 2010, the privately owned firm provides premium onli

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    939 W N Ave Ste 750
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Streets nearby LUXE Matchmaking Dating Service

Adele Avenue Illinois
North Joyce Avenue Lombard Illinois
Fairfield Avenue Illinois
Parker Drive Lombard Illinois
Marcus Drive Lombard Illinois
Edgewood Avenue Illinois
Lalonde Avenue Illinois
Joyce Street Illinois
North Avenue Illinois
Clarendon Avenue Illinois