Maher Barsoum, DDS

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About Us

With two successful southern California offices Dr. Maher Barsoum has been in practice for 27 years. He has been awarded a certificate of excellence at the Las Vegas Institute for Cosmetic Dentistry on February 2004 in recognition of academic and clinical expertise in the field of Advanced Functional Aesthetics and for dedication to providing the highest level of dentistry.

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  • Street Address

    258 E 9th St
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Profiles nearby Maher Barsoum, DDS

O Burritoville 0.02 km
O Col Legno 0.05 km
O Sobaya 0.05 km
O Bandito! 0.06 km

Streets nearby Maher Barsoum, DDS

East 10th Street New York
Saint Marks Place New York
East 7th Street New York
Stuyvesant Street New York
Taras Shevchenko Place New York
East 12th Street New York
4th Avenue New York
East 5th Street New York
Lafayette Court New York
East 13th Street New York