Natural Throne

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About Us

We are an Azorean start up that offers a natural solution to intestinal disorders.

The intestine plays a key role in our health, and for this reason it is vital to keep it healthy.

The evacuation position has a great influence on this process. In fact, medical studies have shown that the squatting position is essential in human bowel evacuation since it allows a greater opening of the anorectal canal, thus providing an effortless and complete evacuation.

This condition is essential in the preventio

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    Rua de Santa Catarina, nº51 A
    Ponta Delgada
  • City

    Ponta Delgada
  • Zip / Postal Code


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Profiles nearby Natural Throne

O Portucale 0.48 km
O Eclatant 1.11 km
O O Fado 1.64 km