Oasis Appliance Repair

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Protect the integrity of your appliances with professional appliance repair from Oasis Appliance Repair.

Oasis Appliance Repair, we specialize in providing professional appliance repair for all major home appliances. Our technicians are known for providing quick service, and we always offer a 30-day warranty on labor and a 1-year warranty on parts. We always offer a free service call if we complete the repairs.

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Streets nearby Oasis Appliance Repair

Hopkins Avenue Mineola New York
Krause Place Mineola New York
Maple Place Mineola New York
Lincoln Avenue Mineola New York
Roosevelt Avenue Mineola New York
Elm Place Mineola New York
Clinton Avenue Mineola New York
Jefferson Avenue Mineola New York
Washington Avenue Mineola New York
Searing Avenue Mineola New York