Omnitub Limited

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If you have limited bathroom space then take a look at Omnitub. It offers deep baths perfect for small spaces. In fact it takes about as much room as a shower. As simple to fit as a regular bath, the Omnitub is stylish and deep enough to enjoy a relaxing bath or shower by yourself, with company if you buy the Duo! Unlike other deep baths, it doesn't have a seat at the bottom so you can immerse yourself completely and because its shorter and deeper than a standard bath the water stays hotter for longer.

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  • Street Address

    Unit 5a Batch Business Park, Rectory Way
  • City

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  • Zip / Postal Code

    BS24 0EW

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Streets nearby Omnitub Limited

The Boundaries
Church Corner
Rectory Way
Slade Lane
Worthy Crescent
Weston Road
Lympsham Road
The Worthings
Purving Row Lane
South Road