Orthopedic Physicians Alaska

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About Us

Orthopedic Physicians Alaska (OPA) is a group of orthopedic surgeons and other providers committed to delivering world-class care in a friendly, patient-centered environment. Comprehensive Care: We provide orthopedic care for every bone, muscle and joint in your body, including injuries and conditions of the neck, back, spine, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand, finger, hip, leg, knee, foot, ankle and toe. Treatments include surgical and non-surgical solutions.

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  • Street Address

    3801 Lake Otis Parkway
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Profiles nearby Orthopedic Physicians Alaska

Streets nearby Orthopedic Physicians Alaska

Young Street Alaska
Salem Court Alaska
Hickory Place Alaska
East 37th Avenue Alaska
East 39th Avenue Alaska
East 38th Avenue Alaska
East 42nd Avenue Alaska
Randolph Street Alaska
Williams Street Alaska
East 40th Ave Alaska