Pear Tree Elementary School

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About Us

Pear Tree Elementary is a welcoming, innovative private school for children in Kindergarten to Grade 7 where small class sizes and combined-grade programs meet – and reach beyond – the BC Education curriculum. Our beautiful school is located in the heart of Kitsilano, BC.

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    215-2678 West Broadway
  • City

  • State / Province

    British Columbia
  • Zip / Postal Code

    V6K 2G3

Profiles nearby Pear Tree Elementary School

Streets nearby Pear Tree Elementary School

Bayswater Street British Columbia
Kitsilano Diversion British Columbia
Mackenzie Street British Columbia
York Avenue British Columbia
Stephens Street British Columbia
York British Columbia
Redbud Lane British Columbia
Salal Drive British Columbia
Cranberry Drive British Columbia
Marstrand Avenue British Columbia